alloys for cast iron

Metallurgical Characteristics
Available Filler Metal Form
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Eureka CI H-1
Eureka CI H-1 Metal Cored Wire is mainly applied on automotive cast irons for form, trim, flange, or hem dies. Used anywhere metal to metal wear is a factor. Some cross checking is tolerable.
Eureka CI H-1 Metal Cored Wire is designed to form a hard working surface directly on cast iron. The alloy is exceptionally strong and wear resistant which out performs cast iron. The weld deposits display moderate impact resistance. Single or multiple layers are in the low to mid 50 HRC range on cast iron.
Metal Cored Wire
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Eureka EXP-10
Eureka EXP-10 is mainly used as an underlay on cast iron. The first layer of EXP-10 on cast iron is soft and crack free. This makes for a good base for a hard alloy overlay. Eureka EXP-10 is commonly used for the repair and reclamation of all grades of nodular and grey cast irons in any heat treated condition. It is used on automotive cast iron draw dies, punches and binder rings. The alloy is good for engineering changes and repair of slug marks. It is NOT recommended for joining.
Eureka EXP-10 deposits are designed to form an austenitic band over the cast iron in one layer. The alloy in multiple layers is sufficiently hard enough to work on the noncritical areas of the die. The hardness of pure weld metal is 35-40 HRC. Where additional hardness is required Eureka EXP-10 provides an excellent underlay.
Stick Electrode and Metal Cored Wire
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Eureka 60 NI AWS NiFe-C1
Eureka 60 Ni Electrode can be used on just about every conceivable application in the maintenance repair welding of cast iron units such as gears, sprockets, motor housings, machine bases, cams, levers and draw dies.
Eureka 60 Ni Electrode is a Nickel-Iron electrode designed to produce high strength, porous free, non-cracking welds on grey cast iron, such as Malleable, Ductile Iron, Meehanite, and Ni-Resist. Weld deposits of Eureka 60 Ni are readily machinable, and may be used to join the above listed iron materials.
Stick Electrode and Metal Cored Wire
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Eureka 100-A AWS ERNi-C1
Eureka 100 can be utilized to repair, build up, or join grey, nodular and malleable cast irons. It is somewhat lower in strength than the Eureka 60 Ni but higher in crack resistance. Extremely effective on thin cast iron; such as, engine block walls, pump housings, and gears. Do not use on automotive draw dies as an underlay, use Eureka EXP-10 instead.
Eureka 100 is a commercially pure Nickel welding alloy. The weld deposits are highly ductile with a tensile strength of approximately 66,000 P.S.I. and a brinell hardness of 170.
Solid MIG Wire and TIG Rods
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Eureka 5545 AWS ERNiCu-7
Eureka 5545 is used for welding of Monel 400 and Monel K500. It is designed for welding all types of cast iron structured materials. They are outstanding for welding cracked, worn or defective castings; and for correcting machining and design errors. They are especially adaptable for welding cast iron when the entire weld areas must be machined, including the fusion zone and where color match is desirable. Cast iron patterns are a prime example of this. When porosity is a problem, due to foreign elements in the iron or steel, a first layer of Eureka 5545 will prevent porosity in subsequent welds.
Eureka 5545 produces Copper-Nickel weld depositions which are soft, ductile, homogeneous and porous free. There are no foreign alloys present, which cause checks or cracks. The weld depositions are fully machinable and are an excellent color match for cast iron; and when used with the tig process, afford low temperature fusion with the slightest degree of penetration.
Solid MIG Wire and TIG Rods
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